From: Springer, Cornelia [mailto:Cspringer[at]hrci[dot]org]
Sent: Wed 10/17/2007 1:22 PM
To: Raman Khurana; Gunnit Khurana
Subject: FW: [fa_oa] Re: Seeking tool for tracking continuing education
I thought you all might like to see the email below.
It appears that the online recertification system that you all have created is being referred to as "best in class". Thanks for making us look good.
Cornelia Springer, CAE | Operations Director
HRCI | Direct 703.535.6017 | Fax 703.535.6474
-----Original Message-----
From: Costello, Sara
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 12:27 PM
To: cspringer[at]
Subject: FW: [fa_oa] Re: Seeking tool for tracking continuing education
FYI thought you might be interested to see kudos to your group re: re-cert credit tracking tool. It was posted to the ASAE Finance & Admin listserve by someone from IEEE...brace yourself, in case anyone calls!
-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-fa_oa-10642685[at]lists
On Behalf Of E[dot]Davis[at]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 11:05 AM
To: Finance & Business Operations Section - Operations & Administration
Subject: [fa_oa] Re: Seeking tool for tracking continuing education
Hi -- the best tool I've ever seen is used by HRCertification Institute to track
recertification credits for the PHR, GPHR and SPHR for the Society for Human Resource Management. HRCI's learning management system (LMS) is really powerful and really well done. My understanding is they had it built specifically for their own needs, but you might get in touch with
them and begin a dialogue with them. (
You might also contact Mark Milroy, CAE at ASAE-The Center as he has a wealth of knowledge about the use of technology for an LMS effort and he might be able to steer you in some interesting directions. (MMilroy[at]asaecenter[dot]org)
Best wishes,
Betsy Davis, SPHR
Staff Director, Human Resources
445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854
(732) 465-6434
(732) 981-1046 (fax)
Cyzap, Inc. was an exhibitor at the National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA) 2005 Conference held November 16-19, 2006 in Long Beach CA. Cyzap was represented by Gunnit Khurana, President & CEO; Guru Pahwa; and Donna Lynn.
The featured product at the Cyzap booth zapCertify ™ which is an all-inclusive, customizable solution designed for complex organizations that track and manage credentialing information, continuing education, testing, licensure, certifications, competency assurance and regulatory standards.
A conference presentation titled “The RFP Process — The Devil is in the Details” was given by Gunnit Khurana; Denise Fandel, Executive Director, Board of Certification, Inc.; and Linda Lysoby, Executive Director, National Commission for Health Education Credentialing. This presentation emphasized the importance of attention to detail in preparing a RFP for technology solutions.
Cyzap hosted an appreciation dinner for clients at a local restaurant on Friday evening. This evening provided a casual atmosphere for discussion of system functions which benefit each client and of the future needs of credentialing institutions.
The Cyzap team enjoyed the conference as an opportunity to interact with existing and potential clients and looks forward to future contact with NOCA members.