With a PC network based solution (the previous standard) data resides on a central computer or server and the client workstation access the central data over the network. All the application processing is generally done on the client PCs. The high powered server unit becomes an expensive filing cabinet for the data. Further complicating the PC network solution, is the bottleneck created at the network connection points.
With the ASP model, the processing work is shifted from the individual client workstations onto the high speed data center units (the server farm). This moves the bulk of the data collecting and processing work onto the faster and more powerful computers. It greatly reduces the amount of transferred data. Instead of the client workstation requesting large amounts of data to collate, the server does the collating and passes the results to the client workstation.
The Internet is the new network of the ASP model. Any computer with an Internet connection can easily become a client workstation. Without ever installing or upgrading any software. The Internet browser (i.e. Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator) becomes the client workstation’s portal to the application. The application and the data are accessible at anytime, from any computer with an Internet connection.
The actual application is stored on the ASP server. Hence, all upgrades are performed on the server. As well as any maintenance, patches, or modifications. All changes are made by the ASP provider. The client never needs to install, upgrade or maintain any software.
The data is also stored on the ASP server. This allows the ASP provider to perform the data backups. The clients never needs to struggle with a difficult tape system or worry about data loss again. The ASP provider makes the data secure. All firewalls, routers, and intrusion detection systems are handled by the ASP provider’s expert personnel. Maintaining a staff of IT experts becomes the responsibility of the ASP provider, not the client.
The change in application methodology allows those using the ASP model to take full advantage of the latest technologies, moving their business forward into the 21st century.
Benefits of the Hosted Application Model: